
The Stage Micrometers listed here can be purchased with Trace able Certificates separately. Please inquire about the coat of the certifications and the different types available.

I. For Transmitted Light Microscopes

These stage reticles are intended for the routine calibration of eyepiece patterns. The scale of the grid is centered on a glass disc mounted in a black anodized aluminum slide 75mm x 24mm x 2mm thick.

Pattern Description Catalog Price Cart
S1 Micrometer scale 10mm in 0.1mm S21021 239.93
S2 Micrometer scale 5mm in 0.05mm S21022 245.18
S4 Micrometer scale 0.1 " in 0.001" S21023 245.18
S8 Micrometer scale 1mm in 0.01mm S21024 239.93
S11 Micrometer scale 0.005 " in 0.0001" S21025


S12 Micrometer scale 0.1mm in 0.002mm S21026 344.93
S16 Crossed micrometer scale 1mm in 0.01mm S21027 292.43
S22 Micrometer scale vertical 2mm in 0.01mm S21028 245.18
S48 Micrometer scale 1mm in 0.01mm, no coverglass S21029 245.18

II. For Transmitted Light Microscopes



Pattern Description Catalog Price Cart
S20 Double micrometer scale 2mm in 0.01mm divisions and 0.1" In 0.005" divisions.


III. For Transmitted Light Microscopes


For speedy determination of a range of feature sizes within a given sample.

Pattern Description Catalog Price Cart
S21 Micrometer scale 5mm in 0.5mm divisions and 0.1mm in 0.01mm division S21031 245.18

IV. For Reflected Light Microscope


This scale is etched through highly reflective vacuum coated metal. When viewed under vertical illumination, the scale appears black against a bright background.

Pattern Description Catalog Price Cart
S78 Micrometer scale 1mm in 0.01 mm divisions S21032 245.18

V. Grid


Pattern Description Catalog Price Cart
S9 Counting slide 0.1mm squares S21033 252.53
S10 Counting Slide 0.05mm squares S21034 252.53
S28 0.01mm grid/0.2 x 0.2mm overall S21035 260.93
S29 0.01mm grid/1.5 x 1.5mm overall S21036 260.93

All of the above Stage Micrometers can be purchased with Traceable Certificates separately. Please inquire for the cost of the certifications and the different types which are available.

EMS Contract Packaging

Division of EMS Acquisition Corp.

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Phone: 215-412-8380; Fax: 215-412-8450 or 215-412-8451